Kinda Geeky

Podcast , Cosplay , website and More...

Kinda Geeky is our way to show the world we are all a little Geeky. We interview anyone geeky; cosplayers, photographers, artists, djs and so on. I am very Geeky and just trying to show the world we are all Kinda Geeky. This is all about community and letting people get to know each other better in this geeky world. Some of the topics of Kinda Geeky are Video Games, Movies, Television, Anime and more depending on the guest. We would love to share our Kinda Geeky experiences with our Kinda Geeky audience. Enjoy and remember to stay...

Kinda Geeky


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Episode 141

End of the Year / Year in Review 2024

Welcome to the 141st episode of Kinda Geeky. That time has come again, it is the end of the year. Thus, “End of the Year” episode featuring Julio and myself. We discussed all the events we took part in this year; the guests and interviews we are able to get throughout the year. Plus, some of the highlights and favorites for Games, Movies and Conventions. Hope you enjoy the episode and have a great start to the new year. As always, remember to stay…Kinda Geeky

Kinda Geeky


Episode 140

Kinda Uncle Hugh How are you?

Welcome to the 140th episode of Kinda Geeky. This episode is another Personal Introspective episode featuring my Uncle Hugh from my father’s side of the family. This man has lived a pretty interesting life with building/wiring a lot of Orlando including MCO. Also, the sheer amount of life threatening events he has survived like being electrocuted on the job, getting hit by car and even surviving a heart attack called The Widow Maker. The story he shared, I have never heard before…just some many. We also got a chance to talk about my father with them growing up in New York. All in all it was a great episode; with some life lessons and out of this world stories. I hope you enjoy the episode and have a great start to the Holiday season. Plus, always remember to stay…

Kinda Geeky

Episode 139

LACC 2024 w/ joaniebrosas & Goblim

Welcome to the 139th episode of Kinda Geeky. This was recorded at the beginning of the month at Los Angeles Comic Con 2024. I got a chance to talk with @Joaniebrosas and her husband @Goblim aka Cole. We talked about their video game evolutions, how they meet and some other geeky/fun topics. Julio and I met up to record the in-betweens and discuss some other Kinda Geeky topics as well. Cole and Joanie are both great people with wonderful personalities and it was a pleasure having them on the podcast. I hope you all enjoy the episode and always remember to stay…

Kinda Geeky

episode 132

New year with kinda a big adventure

Welcome to the 132nd episode of Kinda Geeky. It has been about a month since our last episode. This episode is our year in review, New Year and upcoming trip announcement. Julio and I got a chance to talk about some of our favorite games, movies and activities of 2022; the kinda year return to normalcy. Also we talked about my coming trip to Japan. So we discussed a ton of fun geeky content with a mention of a giveaway coming up after my return. Hope you all enjoy the podcast and always remember to stay…

Kinda Geeky